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Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Advantages Of The Paleo Diet

By Andrew Simpson

Ten thousand years ago, our neolithic ancestors could not reach into a pantry every time they got the urge to nibble on potato chips or cheese crackers. As such, their diet was all-natural in the truest possible fashion, with no high fructose corn syrup or artificial ingredients to clog up a digestive system. Anyone looking to lose weight can utilize the paleo diet in order to reach their fitness goals.

The Paleo Diet is the solution to a huge number of different weight issues. If you simply want to eliminate love handles or if you want to totally change your eating habits, going for all-natural ingredients is the best way to ensure that you do not put on more pounds.

By consuming artificial ingredients, furthermore, you never know exactly what it is you are eating. Industrial solvents and solutions can be applied to any food so long as it is called an artificial ingredient, without any way of the consumer knowing exactly what they are putting into their body.

Artificial ingredients and corn-based products are a major reason why the majority of Americans are overweight. Managing your calorie intake by choosing only natural food choices is the best way to trim your love handles and eliminate any extra chins. What makes the paleo diet such a viable alternative to factory-farm grown food?

Before humans were able to grow wheat and corn and barley and rice, we relied on whatever food we could find in the forests and coasts and mountains that we travailed. Our ancestors had to hunt and gather for our food, going out each day in order to bring back a meal that their family unit could share. What was the result of hunting and gathering?

Archeologists have shown that human brain sizes have grown significantly in only the past few ten thousand years or so. This is because the paleo diet provided excellent nutrition needed to keep brain matter growing and muscle mass strong. Compare this to a modern diet, which only excels at creating a ring of fat around our midsections.

The proof, as such, is in the pudding -- or rather, in the lack of pudding. By choosing food that was available to our forefathers back when we only had stone spears as a means of collecting our next meal, we create meal choices that are sure to give us the protein and vitamins that enrich our system rather than the calories and carbohydrates that clog it up.

This is the great advantage of the Paleo Diet. Ten thousand years ago, someone who caught a fish or nabbed some eggs or brought back a cauliflower plant to the tribe would have eaten it and enjoyed every bit of nutrition. Today, we eat potato chips that contain no nutrition at all.

There are so many options available in the Paleo diet that it is easier to tell you what is not available. The syrups and grains and sugars that comprise so much of the "fast food" diet are off limits, since in the Stone Age nobody has heard of cupcakes with no-touch frosting.

This does not mean, however, that you cannot substitute many of your favorite choices to make what you enjoy on the Paleo Diet. Wheat flour, for instance, was not an option of the ancients, but you can make baked goodies out of almond flour, coconut milk, and honey to satisfy a sweet tooth.

Your body burns fat when it needs energy. The Paleo diet provides quality energy in the form of lean proteins like chicken, but will cause your body to burn fat to complement a meal since it is no longer getting the cheap energy from breads or sugars.

What is the result? On the Paleo diet, you need not live like a caveman, but your physique can certainly look like one. You get the nutrition needed for a healthy and happy life while your metabolism revs up in order to process each meal. You burn away excess body fat while creating muscle mass and trim away the unsightly fat built up by a lifetime of artificial ingredients.

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